
A crisp, clear story written in a knowledgeable, humourous, and entertaining style. This story brings intrigue into the world of wine and alcoholic beverage sales, with just a hint of spice. The level of detail made it so real, right down to the flavor of the wine. I couldn’t put it down.

— Thora Dorn

“This murder mystery was set in two of my favourite places. My hometown (or at least only 5 minutes away), and at a wine tasting festival. I enjoyed the read and found the plot to be plausible. I did figure out “who did it”, but it wasn’t so early in that it mattered. I also learned quite a bit of information about the festival, and some of the tricks of the trade where liquor stores and agents are concerned.
I found the author spent more time describing his driving routes than what I thought was necessary, but he did point out some restaurants and pubs that I may end up checking out, both downtown and in the High Street areas.
Overall it is a quick read that I would recommend if you enjoy murder mysteries.”

— Cheryl Schenk

“I was definitely not ready to learn theoretical physics while reading this book. Luckily the author made sure I didn’t have to. This is definitely a hard science fiction book, which in fact made it that much better in my honest opinion. I don’t think it would have been as good had they skipped over a lot of how things work in space.

I found myself on the edge of my seat towards the last half of the book and found the build-up to the conclusion is well worth the slow start. The characters’ backgrounds definitely had an impact on how that all ended, I also enjoyed the ending. I dare not spoil anything for any potential readers, I will just say give it a chance and you won’t be disappointed.
One person found this helpful”

— Justin Warren


Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2017

Fun romance with a fair amount of bare-bottom canning/paddling/strapping and some bondage & nudity (both consensual & nonconsensual). The sex scenes are (mostly) low-key or sweet, not hard-core. Not a lot about the magick but some humorous moments sprinkled in!

Main characters are Humans, Tree Elfs, Warlocks, Werewolves, or Witches.